Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Passion n’ Desire!

Passion n’ Desire!

Seen such a consistent life’s beauty
Simply glorious on yet deeply rooted
In passion and desire

I have seen a consistent flow
Of tiny drops of water fill
A girnomous jelly can to its overflow

I have seen a consistent streaming
Of a very small river
Water an entire village for decades

I have seen a consistent voice
Of simple words of kindness
Reconcile major relationship conflicts

I have seen a consistent doing
Of small actions with great love
Change many lives n’ nations

 I have seen a consistent believing
On the Truth; even in its smallness
Raise lasting amazing hope

I have seen a consistent sowing
Of the tiny deeds of compassion
Reap bountiful harvest of joy

I have seen a consistent living
Of simple faithful n’ caring lives
Glorify the Lord n’ his people delight

Seen such a consistent life’s beauty
Simply glorious on yet deeply rooted
In passion and desire

Monday, 25 November 2013

The Purple Heron's sorrow!

Premise: It so easy to ignore or forget what people go through during wars especially if we continue to enjoy peace where we are. This is a bird's perspective of the war in Syria.

The Purple Heron's sorrow!

On top of the wobbly tree she sits awestruck while
Watching the decaying remains of the dead humans
Spread across the pavements of the abandoned village
The awful silence is so harrowing and the pungent
Smell of death is way so horrifying

The deep hollow feeling within her heart has
Taken all her energy away leaving her with such deep
Emptiness as she mourns the death of liveliness
That had always been the beauty of her Surriya country
She can hardly fly with such a hurting heart

She knows not where her mates are and she
Is yet to recover from the pain of losing all her nestlings
After the tree she knew as the only home was burnt up
She so dearly misses the late old couple that fed her daily
 And their grandchildren who always chased her around

So much she feels is going on in her tiny head
As she contemplates so hard n’ so deep about
The loathsome pains caused by the evil war
Upon her once beautiful n’ peaceful country
The fiendish war has left her lifeless n’ friendless

She hardly can wander yet she is in so much wonder
Of whether in one dawn of life the human beings
Will be filled with humanity and kindness
To revere the Creator of life and to respect
The dignity and sacred nature of all life

Deep within her tiny ears she still hears the screams
Across her thoughts continually flashes the images
Of helpless children and old earthlings mourn
In deep devastation of losing their close ones
To the horrid bloodshed in front of their tearful eyes

The noise of the heavy bombardment and shootings
That left her little village turned upside down still
Haunts her to date even in the dead silence
In the middle of the most uncivilized skirmishes
Of human unkindness against same mankind

Purple heron is indeed in trepidation to be damp squib
By the humans pretext and masquerade about wars
Wonders who made and supplied the bombs n’ weapons
She wonders who trained the men to use them n’ when
Her feeble legs freeze in abhorrent fear of the hand behind war

She is not sure if anyone among humanity cares
She prays that the truth will come and slay all the evil
She deeply longs for the day her lovely country of Syria
Will get back her piece of lasting peace
When the river of justice will flood the whole world

© Newton Kibiringi 2013

Thursday, 21 November 2013

True Delight is Right Sourced!

True Delight is Right Sourced!

Oh how much delight
He gets and lives in
When any man at the
Core of suffering and pain in
Faithful glorification of the Creator
Realizes and experiences
The true Saviours hand
And His amazing grace

Oh how much displeasure
He gets and lives in
When any man at the
Climax of his life’s pleasure in
Materialism and egoism
Realizes and experiences
The true frustrations
In materialistic fallacies

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

The Hope Unending!

The Hope Unending!

Times life seems to be surrounded by
The horrid feeling of confusion
The empty feeling of despair
The tearful feeling of regret
The dark feeling of helplessness

Yet deeply entwined within life too is
The unbreakable brilliant glow of hope
The unending string of assurance
The inextinguishable lining on faith
On this hope unending my life daily soars

Times life seems to be filled with
The hurting sorrow of betrayal
The daunting feeling of being lonely
The deep pain of loss
The anxious feeling of uncertainty

Yet within life’s package too is
The consistent voice sparks to hold on
The insistent steady ignition to soldier on
The tenacious stable pushes within to carry on
 On this hope unending my life daily soars

Monday, 18 November 2013

The True Joy!

The True Joy!

Father thank you
For the gift of your Son
In your Son I daily delight
For salvation to eternal life
And re-birth to righteousness
By your grace and in your mercy
I find true joy in glorifying you

Father thank you
For the gift of the Holy Spirit
In your Holy Spirit I rejoice
For conviction to repentance
And re-sowing to fruitfulness
By your grace and in your mercy
I find true joy in glorifying you

For your name to worship
I desire and long
For your light and right
I hunger and thirst
By your grace and in your mercy
I find true joy in glorifying you

For your hope and love
I seek and yearn
For your truth and will
I pursue and partake
By your grace and in your mercy
I find true joy in glorifying you

© Newton J G K 2013

Sunday, 17 November 2013

The mark-timer!

Premise: There is always a gap between having a vision or a mission or making a decision and the actual effecting of any of these. Many are times we find ourselves insisting on sitting on the fence and all such times we always tend to end up in deep regret. 

The mark-timer!

She prefers to seat straight on the fence
She prefers to not please the right
She prefers not to displease the wrong
She is pleased in taking the popular seat
She is neither too cold nor too hot
She ever prefers the lukewarm of things
She knows it always betrays her conscience
She knows daily it gives an ache to her integrity
How she hates it when people go into details
She abhors any attempts to dig deeper into reality
She really likes the bubble feeling of the fence
She knows fences only have temporary peace but
That too she digs not deep enough

Just how long can she stay on the fence?
Just how much help can she offer as a bubble?
I tell her sitting on fences only breeds pretense
I tell her the fence gives no room for defense
But she dismissed me for daring to dig deeper
On the issue of sitting on the fence
She said fences are her best for sitting on
And argued they aren't good for debating things
I saw her defiance as on offence against truth
She saw my advice as an offence against her peace
She really likes the bubble feeling of the fence
She knows fences only have temporary peace but
That too she digs not deep enough

© Newton J G K 2013

Friday, 15 November 2013

Heaven & Hell!

Heaven & Hell

Like true health in plants
Blossom them while attached
To the precious fertility
Of the soil where they daily
Draw their entire livelihood
So does true heaven in beings
Glow them while attached
To the amazing grace
Of the Lord where they eternally
Draw all their meaning

Like real death in plants
Diminish them while detached
From the precious fertility
Of the soil where they daily
Draw their entire livelihood
So does real hell in beings
Gloom them while separated
From the amazing grace
Of the Lord where they eternally
Draw all their meaning

© Newton J G K 2013

Monday, 4 November 2013

The terrain of life's journey!

The  terrain of life's journey!
Wise is the being who daily desires growth
For such knows growth is life’s glow main route
For the young n’ old of flora and of fauna
It is in growing that all life gives nature a smile
For surely growth will grow us n’ give each a glow

Though the cost of growing daily grows as all grows
The beauty of its growth’s glow daily dazzles all of creation
Growth even as it stretches life deeper n’ wider so
Do its challenges become inevitably harder yet it’s greater
For surely growth will grow us n’ give us each a glow

Growth always demand more than we freely will to offer
Many are times it will cost us that which or whom we esteem
Not a single plant or animal could grow on a colleague’s behalf
Not even the earthlings could grow on behalf of their kin
For surely growth will grow us n’ give us each a glow

While creation daily desires to flourish n’ glow in growth
Growth daily feeds on faith and hope that life lives on
Growth daily reigns on desire n’ passion of creation for it
Growth daily swings on commitment n’ sacrifice its price
For surely growth will grow us n’ give us each a glow

He of Heaven n’ the Son of Man too grew in wisdom n’ stature
In his blossom n’ growth came the Father’s and men’s favour
Following his footsteps we all should daily grow
To spiritually, mentally and physically glow as one and as all
 For surely growth will grow us n’ give us each a glow

N J G K  2013.

Friday, 1 November 2013

The Success Tree!

The Success Tree!
Not every success branch
Bears success fruit for everyone
But everyone has a branch that
Can bear them a success fruit
In the big success tree provided
They remain attached to the tree
They take their right branch and
They rightly take their branch 
N J G K 2013

The Faith Tree!

The Faith Tree!

I shut my eyes in sleep with countless plans for tomorrow
I tour the dreamland in the hope that when the dawn comes
I will be up to earnestly give the dreams a thorough chase
I awake in the morning with a grateful heart believing the day
Will be a fruitful one even as I swallow a glassful of hope
A plateful of desire and open my arms widely to gratefully receive
The precious gift of a brand new day unlike any other in the past
I open my mouth to speak and believe someone is listening

I spread my legs to walk believing they will support all my weight
I place my pen on the paper to jot down some thoughts
From deep within the soul believing they are sensible n’ impacting
I head for the outside believing some time later I will get back alive
I watch the mother goose in her nest at the lido as she sleeps
On her eggs for days with the hope that they will hatch in the end
And she will be glad to have her amazing image live on beyond her
Countable days and seasons of the precious chance of her lifetime

I watch the farmer cover her dried corn seeds with the
Dry earth while she sings prayerfully believing that sometime soon
The rains will fall and after a while the nature will obey its Master
And her seeds will winsomely germinate and bloom into new life
Giving her enough bread for her family and her neighbors
I see the wild trees budding to wisely hide their future within their
Seeds in the faith that nature will be a good steward to them
To grant them another to live again in the next generation

I see the newly married couple cover themselves naked inside the
Warm bed sheets to make love in the hope to bring forth a new life
Into this world and faithfully sow their beautiful image into posterity
They believe the virgin womb will be an exceptional host for the new life
I hear the little kid graciously whisper “goodnight papa n’ mama”
As the parents happily give her a cuddle before bedtime the little kid
Responds with half a smile waiting to complete the smile in the morning
Then she goes to bed with countless plans for tomorrow

I watch the sick man turn round to face the wall to receive a painful
Injections from the nurse hoping the medicine will cure his painful illness
I see the loving mother humbly go to her knees in believe to pray for
Her bedridden son to seek the healing from her Master’s arm
Everywhere I look, everywhere my ear I turn to hear and unto the
Movement of my entirety I see faith that fate would be too weak to contain
The beautiful nature propels herself in the wheels of faith in its past the present
And in its hope for the future, faith gives her life and life swings on this faith 

N J G K 2013.


She is the truth
She hurries not
She hides not
She changes not
She lonely rangers
She always wins
She is unbreakable
She is unfailing
She is unstoppable
She is deep cutting
She simply dominates
She triumphs in endurance
 She is the truth

There is not
Another thing
As important in life
As the truth;
Seek it,
Know it,
Accept it,
Believe it,
Cherish it,
Live in it
Tell of it
Stand with it
And never leave it
Then you will truly
Be free
With the Truth
With the self n'
With the rest
In life and
In death.

N J G K 2013.