Saturday, 22 February 2014

One Day at A time!

Fully live
The fissure of all life
In virtuous pursuit
Before you leave

Softly paddle
The river of the soul
In divine wisdom
Even when you grieve

Calmly rub
The fur of the heart
In compassion n' love
For all with whom you live

Carefully swing
The gong of the mind
In true understanding
For this life to heave

Bravely walk
The entirety of life
In faith and faithfulness
To that in which you believe

Devotedly treasure
Every second of life
In grateful serenity
To steward nature’s hive

Eternally dwell
The ultimate of hope
In the King eternal
On whom all lives cleave

Joyfully turn
The wheels of daily life
In the aegis of the Author
To whom all swings naive

Constantly aver
The ardor of fervent desire
With consistency others to inspire
Fore exit to oblivion our fave to give

Fully live
The fissure of all life
In virtuous pursuit
Before you leave

The Irreducable Love!

What other gift effusive
Can ever rank above
The Savior’s amazing grace
Within his love’s embrace
All of human race
Granted eternal acceptance
Even those who may refuse
Can never his love reduce

The lavish of his love
Causes all of creation to revive
To all sons and daughters
Once prodigal and doubters
Such a humbling invitation
Letting-off blossoming restoration
Even those who may refuse
Can never his love reduce

Chosen for his glorious love
By him who came from above
Seeking not to offer us per reviews
Relative to our deeds and worldviews
But in his mercy though undeservingly
He kindly loves us unconditionally
Even those who may refuse
Can never his love reduce

Monday, 17 February 2014

Pure Love!

While the precious Son hang
On the cross of crucifixion
He wrote his divine love letter
With His precious blood in affliction
Becoming the perfect sacrifice
To usher in the merciful justification
The prodigal world in divine kindness
Offered by grace the eternal ambition
For all of creation’s redemption

The innocent heavenly gift
Broken and wounded for our salvation
Taking away all shame and guilt
By all sons and daughters of creation
Them of all ages and all nations
To gracefully and mercifully
Stand ever welcome for restoration
To joyously enter the open gates
For all of creation’s redemption

The red blood in glorious kindness
Paints the eternal hope in the Lord
The red blood in perfect justice
Glows in the splendor of true love
The red blood exudes in might
The glare of divine truth and holiness
All flowing from the Father’s only son
Offered on the cross in pure Love
 For all of creation's redemption

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

The Pristine Parturition!

Premise: What a humbling thought to think of the power and might of the Maker. To ponder about the creativity and the wisdom within his mysterious being. Glory to the King of kings and the Ancient of Days.

 Formlessness and emptiness
Nothingness and darkness
Covering all the width and depth
The grand reign of void
The primeval quietness
Prior to all the autochthonous
All in the eminence of Ancient of Days

From the Creator’s mouth
There springs the infant life
From the might of the Author
Springs the primary light
From the arms of the Almighty
Ticks the beginning of time
By the power of the King Immortal

From the wisdom of the Designer
Space is formed and furnished
In the council of celestial knowledge
Nature’s gates of creation swing open
The heavens and the earth
All blooming in perfect grandeur
Bowing in worship to the Ancient of days

N J G 2014

Time's Double Edges!

What bigger victory is there
Than to swim with mastery
In the flowing river of time

What bigger slavery is there
Than to drown in the mystery
Of the turbulent river of time

To swing time is big victory
To be swang by it is deep slavery
In the unending life-time parody 

N G K 2014