Sunday, 8 March 2015

An Ode to Woman!

You are a treasured anchor,
An anchor for society to in joy dock
Your strong back an entwining rope
Bent for your kin you’re a nock

Great soul shape and space
You earnestly fit lots in your life
Faithfully bearing the noble weight
Of nature’s honour of motherhood
With relentless passion
And kind determination

Be it all’s nature to thank you
All to love you and treasure you
For your care’s beauty flourishes life
Your kind words and deeds ennoble living

Your heart is a great well
Of sincere wellness
Wide and deep you’re a fountain of clemency
Ever overflowing with love and care

Within your warm arms
Of peace and nurture
You embrace and embellish
All of family in firmness

Within your precious womb
Awesomely forms and springs
The great mystery of human life
You are a treasured rock
A rock for society to joyfully dock