A Noble Friend!
I saw your love gently fall
Onto my scarred heart it called
The candid love had sweetly dawned
Like a celestial beam of elegant light
The serene rays of affection
Felt like a healing balm to my being
Taking away all the dump darkness
That reigned from deep within
You made me feel in the buff
In front of your glorious flare
I felt the fine comfort breeze
Within love’s vulnerability
For though I had vowed
Never to entrust my heart to anyone
YOU were not in that class
YOU were truly not just an anyone
When your words spoke to my soul
In such sincere tranquillity
All the locks that gird my heart
Sprang wide open in triumphing
The freezing apathetic feelings
Of doubt fear and regret;
Started to melt down like ice
Before your pure sunshine glare of affection
Like a due flower
The heart bud sublimely opened
And there my life blossomed
In the unique splendid allure of glee
Within your blissful cuddle
I was overwhelmed by your love
My entire being gladly emerged
From the cocoon like a due butterfly
My mouth couldn't help
But affirm that you were the one
You were the one I'd ever quest
And with whom the love route to amble
And as my avid eyes gazed in delight
I felt the soul’s resonant rhythm of you
The hearts were in apt tune
For so asserted your heavenly smile
So has become life a glorious
Every second of us to carefully cherish
Our hearts we've made a true home
For each other in all times to embrace
While the one who authored love
Forever envelopes us with his joy
His incense of forgiveness
Always hovers to salve us in the life frays
© Newton Gatambia Kibiringi