Monday, 31 July 2017

Kenyans now and Kenyans always.

Kenyans now and always…

We need to know... 

The battles to fight… 
And the battles that are not ours
The issues to confront… 
And the issues to be lull about
The hopes to place on others… 
The hopes to never peg on human shoulders
The tears to cry in earnest lament… 
The tears to let go and stay calm
The joys to share with an attitude of care… 
And those to keep to self in humility
The achievements to celebrate… 
And those realised as our deserved rights
The failures to demand explanations on… 
And the failures to universally embrace
The unreality to seek to correct… 
And the realities to face head on
The beauty of our diversities to celebrate…
And the artistry of our uniqueness to espouse
The freedom to pursue wholeheartedly… 
And the ensnaring of freedom to shun
The true peace to preach everyday… 
The fake peace to dissuade anytime
The times to go down on our knees and pray… 
and the times to stay on our feet in licit resilience
The love to practice as a one people one nation… 
And the love to forgo for it enslaves us
The justice to demand from the laws… 
And the laws to submit to for justice
The untruth to resolutely resist… 
And the truth to be ready to suffer for
The people worth dying for… 
And the people not worth fighting for
The spirit that defines us as Kenyans… 
And the spirit that skews us as a nation

...these we need to live