Tuesday, 12 May 2020

I Sit Here Assured - LOVE YOU RAVI!

I Sit Here Assured  - LOVE YOU RAVI!

I sit here thinking

What does tomorrow hold for my brother Ravi

I sit here hoping

That tomorrow you will read this and smile

I sit here contemplating

On the brevity and the mystery of our days on earth

I sit here thanking

The Lord for giving you to us to share his truth

I sit hear gratefully and intently listening

To your teachings some older than me

I sit here knowing

Your days are so few and yet so are all ours

I sit here waiting

For the Lord to do his will

I sit here wishing

For just one more talk from you Ravi

I sit here trusting

Your conviction of God’s love exuberates your every moment

I sit here watching

With tears starting to drop down my cheeks

I sit here praying

For true peace for you and for your immediate and wider family

I sit here assured

That the beckoning we all sense with you is of the celestial home  

Though I sit here

Yet I and we must ready ourselves

To collect and not drop the baton from your hand

 Yet I and we must stand and go

On and on to serve the one whose call you earnestly served

Yet I and we must remain put

For urgent is the need for the Gospel

Yet I and we must be reminded of your words

To seek to ‘see and hear in proximity’ of the lost

Yet I and we must

Continue to champion many more to reaching out

Yet I and we must

Not shy away from the hostility towards our message

Yet I and we must

Continue to do the apologia of that which we believe

I sit here assured

That the beckoning we all sense with you is of the celestial home  

You have ignited

So many eternal fires brother Ravi, thank you

You have championed

So many kingdom soldiers’ brother, thank you

You have remained

A man with true fire in his belly, thank you

You have not shied away

From hostility of man so you may reach them, thank you

You have been a centuries pivotal fountain

Of loving truths mingled with passion and compassion

We love you so much

But not anywhere near your true Father’s Love

I sit here thinking

I must press pause for stopping I may never

Remember big brother

When the Lord presses that heavenly keyboard’s key

It will only be the pause button to be instantly replayed home

I sit here assured

That the beckoning we all sense with you is of the celestial home  

From Newton Gatambia Kibiringi (01:27 on 13/05/2020)

A Church Youth Minister in the UK who ha been greatly encouraged, challenged and inspired by Ravi and his passion for his Father's mission.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Which is my Paragraph?


this poem is an simple attempt to understand the levels of friendship till a long-term relationship with Jesus using social media language; What stage are you at in your friendship or relationship with the Christian faith, I mean with Jesus Christ himself?


One came saying

“I am not on the faith platform

or I do not do faith and Spirituality stuff.

Never had any interest and not sure if I ever will”


Another one said

“This faith stuff I don’t get it

I have been interested a bit

But I try my best to destroy the desire and any feeling of interest soon as it arises”


Then there was another one who said

“I am unsure of my position

But I feel like I am stalking Christianity and faith generally.

Yeah, I do get on the faith platform but not at all enthusiastic about it”


And an interesting take by another one who came saying

“I remember seeing this random friend request

And, wait for it; it was from a someone called Jesus   

It is now kind of awkward as the faith platform

keeps reminding of the pending friend request”


and then came a surprised one saying

“Wait when did I even confirm the friendship request, it says we are friends, what?

I even poked him a few times and he has poked back plus Jesus’s sent me a few messages

He has also shared some very kind stuff on my timeline…

I’m somewhat interested in him, but I am not sure if I open the messages; is he going to assume I am super interested and then it will get even more awkward”


And came the one who sat on the fence

“For me we are friends, we don’t speak too often

but now and again I comment on his posts and he comments on mine and

We sometime remember to say Happy birthday to each other when I remember.

I mean it is like a hit and miss kind of a thing

and with birthdays it is only once a year so quite manageable

plus, if stuff isn’t looking good I do drop him a few direct messages’


and then the ‘in a relationship’ one

“We are in a proper friendship and we speak quite often.

I feel Jesus is such a kind person.

He’s helped me with quite a lot of stuff about my life through his grace and life

and even though sometimes I find myself in tough times

When I call on him he doesn’t always grab me out of life’s ‘shit’, pardon my language,

but walks with me through it and beyond”


and then the one who looks strangely distant

“For me we used to be so close with Jesus

Then life got quite busy and I kind of drifted away slowly then faster n faster

and I hardly check my inboxes from him.

I occasionally see the notifications, the ‘hi there’ and ‘how are you?’

and yeah, I have fallen into the habit of just ignoring them

I used to feel so bad about it but now I am so used to it

I do not like thinking about it as it makes me feel sad knowing how much we have been through together but yeah… that’s life isn’t it? …

I am in no rush to worry about it though I feel is should do something”


And the spouse

“We got supper close with Jesus

And we thought it was a good idea to move our friendship to another level

To come out open and change our relationship status to ‘married’

So everyone would know we are one, him in me and I in him

His commitment and promise is that;

‘not even death can ever do us part’

If we are together till eternity, I want to know him and to be known in full”


Now then which is your paragraph?