Thursday, 31 January 2013

Stop kissing the enemy NOW!!!!

Yeah! He is 'better' than everyone,
Can never be warned nor advised by anyone,
On top of the rest he sits, and stands too,
His opinion is what matters above the rest,
Ever richer, ever cleverer, ever better than all,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

Ever competing to win is his way,
Never accepting defeat and never losing at any moment,
Has neither brother nor sister, who can afford to be his equal?
No one is equal to him, in the palace he lives,
How can he ever be wrong? he is ever ‘right’
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

He is the utmost evil and the central-top of it all,
He got into Satan and gave him a new identity,
He leads his friends; anger, greed, unchastity... Name them,
He is always ahead and will always be; he claims,
He is anti-God and anti His ways,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

Give him room and he will put you on 'top',
He cares not; all he wants is to be in control, more power he seeks,
Give him room and like a balloon he will inflate you,
He will 'place' you higher than Everest; he has to be higher of all, 
He is evil, he control-dominates and he cares not at all,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

He will 'lift' you higher than all,
Rejoicing in identity and purpose take-overs; ruling man is his delight,
With him you will be on 'top' and the rest will be below,
Making you enemy to all especially his hosts,all long to be above all,
Like him never you care not what others say provided they remain below,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

He counts it success not in just having, but having more than the rest,
He is responsible for all the misery in the world but that bothers him not,
He is the most competitive of all other vices of his father's family,
Never moved by needs but rather his evil wants to be on top of all,
His biggest victory is being better, richer and more powerful,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

He will go on and on for he knows no satisfaction,
Soon as you give him room he will destroy you as he wishes,
Will lift you 'higher' than all though after emptying you of all your virtues,
Will cause misery among you and your friends in his dominating ego,
Will always promise you a higher position even when you are on top,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

He hangs out with one big friend, two indeed they do; enmity and hate,
Always meaning enmity between men to each other and also to the Creator,
He is always looking down to things and to people too, he know not worship,
His master sends him to any person as he works to devour all,
He will destroy you and give you the evil power,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

He dwells wherever and whenever he is hosted,
In the young and in the old, in the poor and in the rich,
In leaders and in their followers has he a big voice of dominance,
To them of religion and to them 'without' religion he comfortably sits,
Wherever he dwells he destroys all the virtues however deep rooted,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

One he counts as the biggest enemy, he cares not much however,
His enemy fights him daily in his glory called truth,
He has more servants than him and so his enemy scares him not at all,
His enemy's name is called humility, he is good contrary to pride who  is evil,
Pride has his 'power' and humility too has his power,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

His 'enemy' comes direct from God's heaven,
He; Pride comes direct from Satan's hell,
Humility leads on a path called servant-hood and love is her fuel,
He leads on a path called control-dominance and hate is her fuel,
He is not scared of her 'enemy' for he has more willing followers than him,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

Give his enemy room and he will disappear immediately though not forever,
He disappears with all he had put in man when humility sets in he sets off,
Everything he has given you of the world he takes with him even the false Identity,
He can never give you anything heavenly, but the entire world is 'yours' minus the soul
His chains are so tight lifting the outer man higher and killing the inner man slowly,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

He is pride, he never gives up on anyone, and he and his motives are equally evil,
To all who seek him; he will always avail himself to destroy anyway,
He will ensure you have no room for humility to settle in you,
He will never lose for he is pride, he knows not contentment,
His evil desires will keep you ‘above’; he will give you false identity to destroy you,
He is pride and he cares not as long as he has more.

Have you any chance above him to purposeful living?
He thinks you don’t and so he never lets you accept you have hosted him,
He knows the first step to fighting him is in acknowledging you have him,
Soon as you know his tricks, expose him and look up to the heavens and he will leave,
When the heavenly light shines in you from above, his ‘enemy’ humility arrives,
Humility will destroy pride and destroy his roots giving you lasting contentment.

Poem by Newton Gatambia,

Thursday, 10 January 2013

The Way had found me with its first step.

I'd been trying for long right from the day of birth,
In the norm of the society to be the best that I could be I longed,
To please my family and friends I ever dared,
To please myself too I attempted,
To make a path that I would walk on till the end I purposed,
Not until the Way found me with its first step.

I believed I was right for I 'kept' to my self made path,
I tried my best in my deeds and my works,
My family and friends thought I did it right,
I knew from within me though that life was beyond all I knew,
I kept trying every single day to do that which is good,
Not until the Way found me with its first step.

I wondered why after all the effort I never had it all,
Was hard that which I longed to do, while all I longed not to do was easy,
I searched from within and from without and never had an answer,
All I saw was the bold sign: GIVE UP and SURRENDER;
Glowing it was as the words shone on me but how would they mean success?
Not until the Way found me with its first step.

I longed to make it in these world standards,
I knew not though what would be next after making it,
I reached a point of counting it all vanity not sure why I existed,
I saw my hard work grow daily even as my earthly knowledge increased,
Equally though, grew my pain as my frustrations multiplied,
Not until the Way found me with its first step.

Sat down with all my entirety gathered within me I closed my eyes,
I did not want to go back yet I had nothing to move forward to,
I lost control of my ever controlled self yet someone else had taken charge,
A mixed feeling filling my heart and soul in an amazing way,
The King carrying the cross and the sign: GIVE UP and SURRENDER appeared,
I knew the Way had found me with its first step.

The Way came to me and opened my eyes like a flash of a lightening,
All at once I saw my fallen nature right before me and before Him,
I could not utter a word for I stood condemned in the deep conviction,
I truly knew I was a helpless wreck facing eternal death,
I looked at myself and discovered I was kneeling and my hands were up in surrender,
I knew the Way had found me with its first step.

Tears flew from the inmost of my being as God's divine power worked on me,
From behind I could hear the painful cries of torment and the heat was too much,
The ground that held me started sinking and my fear grew the more,
The King made the step towards me and spreading his bleeding hand held mine tight,
He in a deep wealth of kindness made an offer to me to repent of my sins,
I knew the Way had found me with its first step.

I felt from the innermost of my heart and soul the sincerity of his love,
The whole world was covered with sin apart from the area he stood,
The area bore the words GRACE written with the blood flowing from his wounds,
I started confessing my sins and repented before my Savoir and King,
And in the faith that was springing from him to me I gave up my all to Him,
I knew the Way had found me with its first step.

He embraced me with His all and I became a new creation,
As His blood continued to flow onto me so were the sins being washed away,
He; the truth had brought the Way, shone the Light and given me the Life,
 He showed me a path I had always by-passed and now by it I daily walk with him,
He gave me an assurance for eternity and a mission to humanity,
I knew the Way had found me with its first step.

He got hold of my hand and started writing my new life story with me,
No friend could give what he gave, his all that I may have the Jesus Hope,
Out of love he came for the prodigal me and reconciled me back to God as son,
In Him have I put all my trust for no other hope could see me through like His,
His Father purposed it; He did it and the Holy Spirit Sustains my Salvation,
I knew the Way had found me with its first step.

Daily I struggle to remain faithful to Him yet no day has my help call gone unanswered,
To Love the Father with all my soul, heart, mind and strength only by his grace I do it,
To neighbors too  He points me in the great commission to share his love to all the nations,
Though the desires of self and the fear of others surround me, Jesus' hope remains my focus,
I've found my life's purpose in doing his will; his mission in me set the path I now walk on,
I knew the Way had found me with its first step.

Newton Gatambia. 10/01/2013.



Tuesday, 8 January 2013

TRUTH; There in lays our freedom

When will we let you out openly?
When will you rise above all who hide thee?
We hide you deep within ourselves,
We know the power you posses, Oh truth,
We are tired of suppressing you deep in us,
We do need you out now, yet we want you not!
But therein lays our freedom.

Will we let you do your work?
Will we let you out even though many will hate us?
Will we let you out even though you will pain us?
 Hiding you has‘comfort '; there is comfort when you are out.
Like a baby in the womb you cannot be hidden forever,
We do need you now, yet we want you not!
But therein lays our freedom.

How we long to be victors, yet you have the key to it,
You are a beautiful ‘terror’; with caution will we treat you,
Yes we long to be free, yet not till we free you truth,
She who longs for a baby, not without the labour does it come,
Forgiveness he finds not, him who thinks he's right,
We do need you now, yet we want you not!
But therein lays our freedom.

We will hold you inside no more,
Come out and give us the freedom we longingly seek,
By keeping you in silence, a lie they will baptize you,
Yes we struggle in sin, in our human nature we are fallen,
We are wounded healers, though the Lord is a victor,
We do need you now; forever we want you TRUTH,
For therein lays our freedom.

Not with our power we accept you, not without power have you left us,
Not to gain man's acceptance, but to become HIS sons this we do,
Not in our strength we found you, In the Father's mercy YOU were given us,
YOU sought not perfection in us, but to perfect us YOU daily labour,
Determined to give us life, on the cross YOU paid our debt,
We do need you now; forever we want you TRUTH,
For therein lays our freedom.

Daily we fought to fix things on our own, Daily we failed but HE did it for us,
At one point we were of the outside, now YOU in us and us in YOU we live,
Once we stood condemned in sinfulness, we in HIM remain not any condemned,
For in darkness we used to be, HIS true light lives in us today,
Salvation HE granted not as a wage, as a gift in HIS mercy we are redeemed,
We do need you now; forever I want you TRUTH,
For therein lays our freedom.

Newton Gatambia 19th Nov 2012..