Tuesday, 8 January 2013

TRUTH; There in lays our freedom

When will we let you out openly?
When will you rise above all who hide thee?
We hide you deep within ourselves,
We know the power you posses, Oh truth,
We are tired of suppressing you deep in us,
We do need you out now, yet we want you not!
But therein lays our freedom.

Will we let you do your work?
Will we let you out even though many will hate us?
Will we let you out even though you will pain us?
 Hiding you has‘comfort '; there is comfort when you are out.
Like a baby in the womb you cannot be hidden forever,
We do need you now, yet we want you not!
But therein lays our freedom.

How we long to be victors, yet you have the key to it,
You are a beautiful ‘terror’; with caution will we treat you,
Yes we long to be free, yet not till we free you truth,
She who longs for a baby, not without the labour does it come,
Forgiveness he finds not, him who thinks he's right,
We do need you now, yet we want you not!
But therein lays our freedom.

We will hold you inside no more,
Come out and give us the freedom we longingly seek,
By keeping you in silence, a lie they will baptize you,
Yes we struggle in sin, in our human nature we are fallen,
We are wounded healers, though the Lord is a victor,
We do need you now; forever we want you TRUTH,
For therein lays our freedom.

Not with our power we accept you, not without power have you left us,
Not to gain man's acceptance, but to become HIS sons this we do,
Not in our strength we found you, In the Father's mercy YOU were given us,
YOU sought not perfection in us, but to perfect us YOU daily labour,
Determined to give us life, on the cross YOU paid our debt,
We do need you now; forever we want you TRUTH,
For therein lays our freedom.

Daily we fought to fix things on our own, Daily we failed but HE did it for us,
At one point we were of the outside, now YOU in us and us in YOU we live,
Once we stood condemned in sinfulness, we in HIM remain not any condemned,
For in darkness we used to be, HIS true light lives in us today,
Salvation HE granted not as a wage, as a gift in HIS mercy we are redeemed,
We do need you now; forever I want you TRUTH,
For therein lays our freedom.

Newton Gatambia 19th Nov 2012..

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