the gift so nice,
the gift so precious;
the gift so enjoyable;
the gift all for free,
a valuable treasure given to all,
its length only known to the Author;
as we open it to drink,
and unwrap it to feast;
ignore not it’s Author!
He has overall control over it;
Even the storms that hover it,
then I ask what’s our role?
We got to be good stewards!
life is so soon disappearing;
you don't have to argue that,
do you? It’s always slippery!
Peg it on faith n’ courage,
feed it in solitude n’ prayer,
walk it in the light n’ the truth,
sharpen it with truth n the word,
live it with wisdom n’ understanding,
spice it with faithfulness n’ gratitude,
surround it with self-control n’ obedience,
exercise it with sacrifice n’ forgiveness,
Guard it with watchfulness n’ worship,
Mend it with endurance n’ tolerance,
expand it with compassion n charity,
swing it with kindness n’ diligence,
Share it with friends’ n’ freedom,
Construct it with love n’ honesty,
purify it with purity and holiness,
lift it with reverence n’ humility,
treat it with fun n’ fruitfulness,
toss it with patience n’ hope,
kiss it with joy n’ happiness,
live it in glory to God.
At its depth;
Live it fully,
Leave it;
try a bit of living life lively and lovely. Newton G K 2013.