After countless hours
of eager wait,
Many days of unending expectations,
N’ enough months of
formation within,
N’ Just as every
planned event has it due time,
Uniquely special from
all who've been before;
Welcome to the world
of the living,
In a tiny little body
at arrival,
Life’s evidence fully
In front of joyful
loving mum and dad;
Your tiny innocent
eyes open n’ shut,
And from the little
tiny mouth;
A first cry of n’ for
life begins,
All is new to you
even your own self,
A special identity
signified by a name,
Your weight n’ date
are noted down,
Your gender is
ascertained with joy,
All eyes and hearts
are on you,
The celebrations n’
jubilation are all yours,
It is indeed your day
and your hour,
All this without your
knowledge or consent,
For you are loved
even before you know love,
Welcome to the world new little star,
May you grow in
stature n’ glow in wisdom,
May you live in
purpose n’ plenty of joy,
Welcome! You are a
new bundle of joy.
4 the new born babies and all who were once babies; 22/07/2013 © Newton J
G K 2013
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