The Question that doesn't seem to go away!
Most of those who believe and those who don't, if given a chance to ask God one question say they would ask him; [WHY IS THERE SO MUCH SUFFERING IN THE WORLD?] There is not one answer to the question of suffering especially if sought from any human or material sources. However we all find the times of suffering really hard to deal with. This is the question that both theists (believers in God) and atheists (disbelievers in God) wrestle with everyday, a question that is asked across all generations and of course one that is asked in all nations. Whether it is physical, emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual or financial suffering not one form of suffering leaves us unstirred. Suffering often tends to push us to either frustration or desperation if not both; it often reminds us of our limitations as human beings against our deep longing to keep all things in control. There are so many times we fall into the trap of saying it is fine just to make it look so when often it is not the case.
Though suffering
may stare at us wherever we face
Though its sting
may scare us whenever we rise
Though it may, there’s
‘the but’ the but’ that turns the story round
For but there is an arch that stretches
further than suffering, the arch of hope
There is a voice
that to our ears whispers louder than pain, the voice of hope
There is a light that
no darkness will ever abate, the light of hope
There is a strand
that is anchored firmly to eternity, the strand hope
How then do we deal with that which we can hardly run or
hide from? How do we sail through the darkness of suffering or perhaps live a
little longer or a bit better in it. There are those who choose to 'ignore it'
and just move on, others do their best to maintain an external aura of wellness
while the inner soul coils in pain and sorrow, others dare to share their
struggle with family and close friends for care or prayer, others look for all
sorts of ways to get out of it and sadly some ways just make it worse. Times we
wish suffering is taken away, times we wish we could have a smooth ride across
the path of life, we wish that one day the tides will calm and the storms
tranquil. Sometimes our wishes are granted and other times they are not. When
we sit or stand next to a colleague or a family member who the curtain of life is
slowly drawing to a close and there is so little we can do. When we watch
things move from bad to worse and we can't help. That time when even our best
doesn't seem to count as much as we wish it could; such times we all so dread
yet still we still dare to hope. When our identity seems challenged and our
esteem feels mocked, when our efforts to belong all seem to ever take so long,
when the only news there is all bad or sad news. Whether it is a simple issue we
are going through or an issue enveloping us in miasma, suffering seems to be the question that doesn't seem to go away.
Though suffering
may stare at us wherever we face
Though its sting
may scare us whenever we rise
Though it may, there’s
‘the but’ the but’ that turns the story round
For but there is an arch that stretches
further than suffering, the arch of hope
There is a voice
that to our ears whispers louder than pain, the voice of hope
There is a light that
no darkness will ever abate, the light of hope
There is a strand
that is anchored firmly to eternity, the strand hope
Often when talking of suffering we find it so tempting to
offer intellectual clues and cues; perhaps it is all we can do at certain time.
It is always within us a deep desire to offer help and to offer it quickly. The
issue of suffering though; doesn't seem offer any room for quick fixes and
instant remedies. The intellectual responses all seem to hit the flames of
suffering and then bounce back in speed. Times whatever consolation we get seems
to flow through one ear and flow out through the other. The heart tends to feel
so cold and not any listening or reading seem to give it the much longed for
peace. Yet daily we forge forth and hope for a better tomorrow if ever we can
get to see the tomorrow. I may not say so much about suffering because I too
find it a tough battle to speak of with succinct clarity and even a tougher one
to be in. Not once or twice have I been in situations of suffering, others spreading
so long and others hitting so close and deep to my being. Through it all I still
manage to look back and make some deep discoveries through the reflection of
painful times. Suffering is so personal and every case so unique in how deep it
heats or hurts us, plus of course what it leaves of us when it goes.
Though suffering
may stare at us wherever we face
Though its sting
may scare us whenever we rise
Though it may, there’s
‘the but’ the but’ that turns the story round
For but there is an arch that stretches
further than suffering, the arch of hope
There is a voice
that to our ears whispers louder than pain, the voice of hope
There is a light that
no darkness will ever abate, the light of hope
There is a strand
that is anchored firmly to eternity, the strand hope
Of suffering still there are indelible marks that live on and
deep within which there are lessons so valuable in life. I know there side of me
that may want to wish that there had never been any suffering through all of my
life, but there is also another side of me that looks back at the glow in the shaping,
the pruning, the equipping and the learning that my endurance has reaped me. The
side that sees the deep love relationships and friendships that that have
sprout from the suffering. There growth in the ability to trust, to hope and
even to surrender all in the Almighty’s hands. Suffering has drawn me closer to
God than any of my earthly pleasure; it points me to seek help from outside myself;
to seek and trust my loving Lord. It has taught me how any pleasure, big or
small if unwatched builds me a castle of selfishness and ungodliness. I believe
and have experienced God in my toughest moments in life than anywhere else, the
truth is though, that not in laughter or joy have I gone through tough moments
but in the tears of pain and struggle there has been one whose great love has
held me so close and so dear that I can never doubt it. Him alone, my Lord and
his everlasting love not a thing in this life would I consider worthier. Where
would I be without you, my Lord?
Though suffering
may stare at us wherever we face
Though its sting
may scare us whenever we rise
Though it may, there’s
‘the but’ the but’ that turns the story round
For but there is an arch that stretches
further than suffering, the arch of hope
There is a voice
that to our ears whispers louder than pain, the voice of hope
There is a light that
no darkness will ever abate, the light of hope
There is a strand
that is anchored firmly to eternity, the strand hope
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