Even the smallest of good,
Do not withhold;
Open minds understand, open arms help,
Open mouths speak, open ears listen,
Willing legs walk, in empathy though feeble,
Open eyes see, open hearts are moved,
Loving souls believe and share hope,
Connected spirits bear the Spirit's fruit,
To an utterly dry and thirsty people,
To a tearful world mourning in pain,
To souls anguishing in hopelessness,
To bodies worn out and helpless,
To hearts empty of peace,
To spirits yearning for direction,
At the depth of nothingness,
Every small thing becomes big,
Even the smallest of good,
Do not withhold,
A simple touch, a genuine smile,
A faithful prayer, a kind word in love,
A small deed in kindness, an honest compliment,
A small act of care and compassion,
A cheerfully given gift in it's tininess,
A simple act of appreciation and acceptance,
To an utterly dry and thirsty people,
To a tearful world mourning in pain,
To souls anguishing in hopelessness,
To bodies worn out and helpless,
To hearts empty of peace,
Spirits yearning for direction,
at the depth of nothingness,
Every small thing becomes big.
Please be willing to show compassion however little it may be, however small the way you do it withhold it not.
© Newton JG on 26/05/2013.
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